Oh crap. It's time to throw fuel on the conspiracy fire, maybe a lot of it. This picture...
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I never bothered to look very closely at this picture before, but... I think those are combat boots on the other side of that door. Was army guy actually in the study for real?! Not only that, but when the drunken MC goes in the study, the picture on the left wall is hanging up. During the study scene in there with Isabella later, the picture is on the floor, turned around, and Bella looks right at it as you two are walking out. In episode 5? It's gone completely. Now I need to replay the game AGAIN to get a shot of what was visible during the drunken visit, and a picture of army guy so I can compare the boots.
Edit: I also find it suspicious that you can click on the boots in her garage and the MC comments on just how clean they are. He also questions why she has an ax if you click on it in there, too.